Garage Door Repairs

Whether to Repair or Replace Your Garage Door

Many of us fear the worst when our garage doors suddenly stop working: That we’ll have to buy a new door. When this happens, remain calm and remember that you have options! Many mechanical issues can be fixed by simply having the part replaced, saving you money and...

The Dangers of Broken Garage Door Springs

A garage door’s springs begin to lose their effectiveness with continuous use. If you notice poor performance or see a broken spring, you should always contact an emergency garage door repair professional immediately. Continuing to operate your garage door when the...

When Should You Replace Your Garage Door Springs?

Your garage door is constantly opening and closing, causing the various parts to perform the same motion over and over again. Eventually, these parts will become worn and need to be replaced or repaired. It’s a good idea to always have a reputable garage door...

The Benefit of Garage Door Tune-Ups

Your garage door system contains many working parts that must always be functioning properly. Think about the springs, the opener, and the door itself. They all must work together so that your door is opening and closing safely. To ensure this is happening, the system...

Reasons Why Garage Door Springs Break

Garage doors springs allow your garage door to open and close. If you’re having trouble opening or closing your garage door, you may have a broken spring. Fortunately, they’re easy to identify. Just look up into your garage door system and you’ll be able to see the...

Should you Repair or Replace your Garage Door?

Freezing and scorching temperatures, various forms of precipitation, the occasional game of driveway basketball, and even damage from a car can negatively affect your garage door. Regardless of what affects it, your garage door will need to be repaired or replaced at...